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National Flag in memory of Sudhir Tailang

29.  हमारा देश भारतवर्ष

जिसे हम इंडिया, हिंदुस्तान अनेक नामों से गर्व से पुकारते हैं! उसकी विविधता और उसमें एकता ही उसे सबसे खास बनाती है! हम सब एक दूसरे से कितने भिन्न हैं, फिर भी एकता है य़ह ख़ासियत कॉमपोजिट यानी मिश्रित और संगठित समाज की होती है! 
मिश्रित समाज में हम सब विभिन्न आर्थिक व सामाजिक पृष्ठभूमि के विभिन्न जातियों के,जनजातियों के,विभिन्न धर्म व सम्प्रदायों के अलग अलग स्तर या कहें स्टैटस के लोग एक साथ रहते हैं!
हमारी लिबास,परम्परायें,खान-पान,बोली-भाषाएँ,हमारी सोच आबो हवा,क्षेत्रीय परिस्थितियों,अन्न के उत्पादन सभी में विविधता है!...यह गिनती अनेक है,फिर भी हम एक हैं!
 हम सब भाईचारा,प्रेम,स्नेह, सौहार्दता और इज्ज़त के साथ रहते हैं! हम तो हमेशा से ऐसे ही थे! इतिहास गवाह है,कितनी सभ्यताएं आयीं,बनी,टूटी,बर्बाद हुई और विलुप्त हुई! कितने बाहरी शासकों ने,आक्रमणकर्ता बन कर हमारे देश में प्रवेश किया,लूटपाट किया,शासन किया पर अंततः हमारी सभ्यता में समाहित हो गए. हम समाप्त नहीं हुए,उन्हें स्वयं में शामिल कर लिया!उन की झलक हम 
स्वयं में पाते हैं, क्योंकि हमारा बडप्पन है,जिसने सदियों में अनेकों बार उतार चढाव देखा है,पर अब भी अविचल है,विकसित हो रहा है,जैसा कि शायर इकबाल ने कहा था, "क्या बात है कि हस्ती, मिटती नहीं हमारी,सदियों रहा है दुश्मन दौरे ज़मा हमारा, सारे जहाँ से अच्छा हिंदुस्तान हमारा,",हम पर ज़िम्मेदारी है भारी,क्योंकि इतिहास जानता है विश्व को सदियों से राह दिखानेवाले हम ही रहे हें,फिर चाहें वो हमारे शासक रहे हों, या धार्मिक धर्मगुरु...या फिर किसी और ही क्षेत्र के,परचम हमेशा हमारा ही लहराया है! जय हिंद!
डॉ कलम श्री विभा सी तैलंग 

 11-Feb-2025 10:59 amComment

28.  Meta AI on Sudhir Tailang - Part 4

Sudhir Tailang (26 February 1960 – 6 February 2016) was a renowned Indian cartoonist. He was known for his sharp wit and insightful commentary on social and political issues. Tailang's cartoons often featured satire and humor, making complex topics accessible to a wide audience. He worked with several prominent publications, including The Times of India and The Hindustan Times. In 2004, he was honored with the Padma Shri award for his contributions to literature and education.

Tailang's career spanned several decades, during which he created a vast body of work that continues to be admired and appreciated. His cartoons are remembered for their thought-provoking nature and ability to spark conversations.


 02-Dec-2024 07:58 amComment

27.  Meta AI on Sudhir Tailang - Part 3

Sudhir Tailang (26 February 1960 – 6 February 2016) was a renowned Indian cartoonist. He was known for his sharp wit, insightful commentary, and unique style of political satire.
Here are some key points about his life and career:
* Early Life and Career:
   * Born in Bikaner, Rajasthan, India.
   * Started his career with the Illustrated Weekly of India in 1982.
   * Later worked with Navbharat Times, Hindustan Times, Indian Express, The Times of India, and Asian Age.
* Notable Works:
   * His cartoons often satirized politicians, bureaucrats, and social issues.
   * He was known for his signature style, using simple lines and bold colors to convey complex messages.
   * His cartoons appeared in various newspapers and magazines across India.
* Awards and Recognition:
   * Awarded the Padma Shri in 2004 for his contributions to literature and education.
   * Received numerous accolades for his work.
* Legacy:
   * Sudhir Tailang is considered one of the greatest Indian cartoonists of all time.
   * His cartoons continue to be admired for their humor, intelligence, and social commentary.
   * He left behind a rich legacy of political satire that continues to inspire and entertain.
Sudhir Tailang's untimely death in 2016 was a great loss to the world of Indian cartooning. However, his work lives on, reminding us of the power of satire to expose the truth and bring about change.

 02-Dec-2024 07:57 amComment

26.  Meta AI on Sudhir Tailang - Part 2

Sudhir Tailang (26 February 1960 – 6 February 2016) was a renowned Indian political cartoonist. He was known for his sharp wit, insightful commentary, and ability to capture the essence of political events through his cartoons.
Here are some key points about his life and career:
* Early Life and Career:
   * Born in Bikaner, Rajasthan, on February 26, 1960.
   * Started his career with the Illustrated Weekly of India in 1982.
   * Worked with various prominent newspapers, including Navbharat Times, Hindustan Times, Indian Express, The Times of India, and Asian Age.
* Contributions to Cartooning:
   * His cartoons often satirized politicians and political events, holding them accountable for their actions.
   * He was known for his unique style, blending humor and social commentary.
   * His cartoons were widely appreciated for their clarity, wit, and ability to provoke thought.
* Recognition and Awards:
   * Awarded the Padma Shri in 2004 for his contributions to literature and education.
   * Published a book of cartoons titled "No, Prime Minister" in 2009, focusing on former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
* Legacy:
   * Sudhir Tailang's cartoons continue to be remembered for their impact on Indian political discourse.
   * He is considered one of the most influential political cartoonists of his generation.
Sudhir Tailang's untimely demise on February 6, 2016, was a significant loss to the world of Indian cartooning. His legacy lives on through his insightful and humorous cartoons, which continue to inspire and entertain.


 02-Dec-2024 07:55 amComment

25.  Meta AI on Sudhir Tailang

Meta AI: Sudhir Tailang (1950-2016) was a renowned Indian cartoonist and illustrator. He is best known for his witty and insightful cartoons that commented on Indian politics and society.
Tailang's work was featured in various Indian newspapers and magazines, including the Hindustan Times, Indian Express, and Outlook. He was also a regular contributor to international publications like The New York Times and The Guardian.
Throughout his career, Tailang received numerous awards and accolades for his work, including the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Indian Institute of Cartoonists.
Tailang's cartoons are characterized by their simplicity, humor, and ability to convey complex ideas and opinions. He is widely regarded as one of India's most respected and beloved cartoonists.
[02/12, 1:53 am] Meta AI: Sudhir Tailang was a renowned Indian cartoonist. Here are some interesting facts about him:
*Early Life and Education*
- Born on February 26, 1950, in Rajasthan, India
- Graduated from the Indian College of Arts and Draftsmanship
- Started his career as a cartoonist in 1970 with the Illustrated Weekly of India
- Worked with various prominent Indian newspapers and magazines, including Hindustan Times, Indian Express, and Outlook
- Contributed to international publications like The New York Times and The Guardian
*Style and Themes*
- Known for his simple yet powerful cartoons that commented on Indian politics and society
- His cartoons often featured everyday characters and situations, making them relatable and humorous
*Awards and Recognition*
- Received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Indian Institute of Cartoonists
- Awarded the Padma Shri, one of India's highest civilian honors, in 2004
- Considered one of India's most respected and beloved cartoonists
- Inspired a generation of Indian cartoonists and artists
- His cartoons continue to be widely shared and admired for their wit, insight, and humor

 02-Dec-2024 07:53 amComment

24.  Sudhir Tailang Memorial Trust

The Sudhir Tailang Memorial Trust was established in memory of Sudhir Tailang, a renowned Indian cartoonist. The trust aims to promote cartooning, caricature, and illustration as art forms, while also preserving Sudhir Tailang's legacy.
The trust may be involved in various activities, such as:
- Organizing cartooning exhibitions and workshops
- Providing scholarships or awards to emerging cartoonists
- Preserving and showcasing Sudhir Tailang's artwork and archives
- Promoting cartooning as a medium for social commentary and change
If you're looking for more information about the Sudhir Tailang Memorial Trust, such as their initiatives, events, or contact details, I'd be happy to help!
[01/12, 2:57 pm] Vibhatailang: It seems you're interested in learning more about the Sudhir Tailang Memorial Trust.
After conducting a search, I found that the trust is active in promoting cartooning and preserving Sudhir Tailang's legacy. However, I couldn't find their official website or contact information.
If you're looking to get in touch with the trust or learn more about their initiatives, I suggest trying the following options:
1. Social media: Search for the trust's social media profiles on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
2. Online directories: Look for the trust's listing on online directories like GuideStar India or Charity Commissioner's website.
3. Contact local art organizations: Reach out to local art organizations, cartooning groups, or galleries in Delhi (Sudhir Tailang's hometown) to inquire about the trust's contact information.
I hope this helps! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.

 01-Dec-2024 05:35 pmComment

23.  No Prime minister book by Sudhir Tailang

It's an unusual cartoon collection.All of my previous anthologies have focused mainly on the tenures of different Prime ministers.The one on your hands is absolutely different.It features about 150 cartoons of only one protagonist:Prime minister Manmohan Singh. 
Dr.Singh is not your run-of-the -mill politician.The sole ambition of many of our politicians is,generally,to,somehow,make it to Dr Singh is different.He may not aspire to be in the company of his tribesmen in the cartoon.But, despite his best efforts he fails to avoid the cartoonist's brush! He has to share the same space,within the confines of a cartoon box, with many politicians he despises.But, these are some of the perks that come along with the chair-if you happen to be the PM of India.
In fact,a politician remains a non-entity till he actually makes it to the coveted cartoon space.In that sense,it's a measurement of a leader's stature too,as to how importantly,and how often,he's featured in cartoons.To that extent,without any doubt,Dr Singh is King!
If I spread all my cartoon that I drew in the past five years,that'd be more than one and a half thousand drawings.And A major chunk of it would go to Dr Singh! That's his influence in Indian politics!
When I started my professional  career as a cartoonist way back in 1982,Mrs Indira Gandhi was ruling the roost.She was the typical Indian politician a cartoonist could ever imagine.She fitted the slot reserved for cartoon pretty naturally.She seemed quite at home with the cartoonist.A pointed nose,a white strip of hair,a rudraksh mala and a snooty attitude!That's what made Indira Gandhi the darling of the cartoonist.She must have been the most cartooned politician of India after Independence!There was something beyond the external features of Mrs Gandhi. Something that was outside the reach of the camera.And that's what actually contributed to the success of her arrogance!If a cartoon captured what wasn't visible to the naked eye,it was guaranteed to succeed.No politician has been able to replace her ever since!
I have drawn some nine PMs and scores of Politician in the past 25years or so.I'm thankful to all of them for all their antics that helped me establish as a cartoonist.
Each new PM is a mystery for me.The moment he takes the reins of power,I begin to sharpen my tools.The white sheet of paper entices him to my parlour.The seduction of the drawing board is too tempting to ignore.All PMs ultimately give in to the charms of my brush!
PVN Rao remains my most favourite PM todate.He was a dream come true for me.His entire persona was invented for me.The flaring nostrils,the lovely pout,the long sleeves of his kurta!He was a still installation in the south block art gallery! Rao is and will always remain my hero number one.
BJP's prime ministerial candidate LK Advani is my hero number two He has been at the other end of my brush for many years.His bald pate,toothbrush like moustache and bushy eyebrows make him a treat! If he ever became the PM,we cartoonists will have a field day.
No PM has dissapointed me so far.Not even Dr.Singh who had every possibility of failing me! Four years ago I couldn't have imagined that some day he would flower into the king of the cartoon!He is the luckiest politician in India!He's never won even a municipal election in his life.Yet,he is India's PM.He's envied by his fellow congressmen.
He's the man who launched Economic Liberalization in P.V Narsimha Rao's Finance Minister.He's steered a booming economy and hoped to achieve a 10percent growth rate ---but,ironically,ended up with a double digit inflation!
When India went to the people in the summer of 2004,Vajpayee was totally convinced that India was shining.He could not believe that people thought otherwise and he lost the election.
Dr Singh hadn't even in his wildest dreams ever thought that he'd be the PM soon! As Sonia Gandhi's Congress party cobbled up a majority to form a Government there were widespread protests against a person of foreign origin becoming the PM! Sonia decided to swear in MM Singh as PM.
India has had only a few PMs who earned their throne.People believe in destiny in India.It's not the people of India,but destiny that decides who'd rule them!Prime minister is a windfall in India.You don't even have to be a player in the gambling to win the prize!Jawahar Lal Nehru earned it.Shashtri deserved it.Indira Gandhi inherited it.So did Rajiv Gandhi.
For Deve Gowda,IK Gujral and Chandrasekhar it was a lottery! For PV Narsimha Rao too, it was a bounty he never expected!
VP SIngh schemed to reach the South Block,and succeeded in realizing his dream! But he couldn't pretend for long and lost it because he didn't deserve it in the first place! Vajpayee genuinely deserved it and proved worthy of it.
Dr Singh was airdropped at the South Block.An honest official and an able Finance Minister,Singh was never allowed to live upto his post! His Leftist Allies made life miserable for him.They didn't allow much elbow room for him to manoeuvred.
His Boss,Sonia Gandhi,never loosened the reins!
He was a sidekick in my earlier cartoons.I never imagined a very simple docile gentlemen could turn into a splend cartoon material.It's difficult to ignore him!He slips into my cartoons silently.When he has to take approval from Sonia Gandhi for even small decisions of his Government,he automatically qualifies to be in my cartoons.
The Indo-US Nuclear Deal has been his obsession.It's been a matter of life and death for him.Much more important than even his Government!That's why he staked his Government in order to get rid of the major stumbling block--the Leftist allies.
For me,both,the Leftists as well as the Deal,made my job easier.The Leftists reminded me of Jayalalitha during Vajpayee's tenure of thirteen months.She made mince meat of Vajpayee and extracted her pound of flesh.
Prakash Karat and Sitaram Yechuri were the male avatars of Jayalalitha for the hapless Dr singh.
But there's always an Amar Singh who enters the screen in the last reel to rescue the hero.He gave a second lease of life to the UPA government.And many cartoon ideas to me.Wads of currency notes being waved in Parliament and accussations of horsetrading..tured out to be a boon for thecartoonst.
Actually.a coalition government best serves the cartoonist's interest Much
Of its energies are invested in the effort to survive.And in keeping the brush-wielders busy.
The UPA government didn't dissapoint me.Neither did it's PM--:DR Singh. Please enjoy the comic history of Dr.Singh.For it's a slice of India's history too!
BY Cartoonist Sudhir Tailang

 28-Sep-2024 06:17 pmComment

22.  Cartooning the Nation by Sudhir Tailang

'Political cartooning is dying an untimely death in India.'
In the intellectual circles the conversation often revolves around this topic.Some people feed nostalgic and remember the legends like Shanker. And talk about the Shankar's Weekly for a while and lament its absence.
Its political cartooning really dying,or is it rather close to extinction? Or is it already dead? These are some of the questions we'd make an effort to find answers to.But, that's later.
India is a paradise for cartoonists.Most of our politicians work selflessly for the cartoonists..., and not for the people.
Cartooning has been through many ups and downs in India in the past one century.We have a rich tradition of cartooning.Newspaper,the Hindustan Times where I worked for many years,can claim credit for introducing this art form in India.Shankar was the first cartoonist of the HT.or of any newspaper in India.From Pt.Nehru to Manmohan Singh, no prime minister has dissapointed us cartoonists.
In the past two decades or so,I have had the privilege of drawing many prime ministers.Most of them invented solely to serve the cause of cartooning!
Indira Gandhi was no exception.She was a great cartoon lover.On Nehruji's birthday, One year, she went to Shankar Pillai.And presented 20 originals cartoons to his father as a birthday gift.
My career as a professional cartoonist began in 1982,she was the Prime Minister at that time.Everybody thought that a long and sharp nose and white streak of hair was enough to capture her! But her personality extended far beyond the two trademark features! For, it's not just the external features that make a caricature.Unless you capture the essence of the personality you can't get the atma or the soul of the character!
David Low,the great English cartoonist,rightly said once-"A caricature is not what you look like-but what you Ought to look like!"
Cartoonist captured Indiraji's supreme self confidence,her autocratic streak,her snootiness and her strength of character,she was assassinated.I thought my career was over with her demise.
Rajiv Gandhi was hardly the stuff cartoons are made of! A frightening prospect for any cartoonist! He wad too handsome to be caricatured and too innocent to be rediculed -atleast,in his intial days!But there is some hidden force that propels prime ministers towards the cartoonist's drawing board.The relationship is almost like that of a moth and the flame! The first six months is months is a period of honeymoon with the people-and after that begins a very special honeymoon with the cartoonist! 
Rajiv Gandhi did not fail us cartoonists!V.P.Singh,Chandrashekhar,Deve Gowda,IK Prime Minister has dissapointed the cartoonist.Mr Manmohan Singh did not dissapoint my tribesmen when he was the Finance Minister,and he's lived upto my expectations as a PM! He must be one of the luckiest politicians who got the highest job on a platter! The Nuclear Deal has put on the center stage for us.The Leftists have made my job even easìer by easier by making his a tough one!
L.K.Advani is one politician who has dominated the cartooning scene inspite of one being Prime Minister ever.He is a dream come true for a cartoonist! The dream begins from his head shining smooth! Then his toothbrush moustache! His shy eyes and his not so shy brand of politics.What else could you ask for! He has evolved to be one of my tribe's main sources of bread and butter!
In that sense I am indebted to him for some of the credit for my cartooning career must go to him...for some of the credit for my cartooning career must go to him.The most of it, of course, goes to P.V.Narasimha Rao! Rao remains my all time favourite  to date! He was the best Prime Minister cartoonists could ever dream of! Flaring nostrils,a pout that became almost a landmark of Delhi!It's interesting to see how a scholor and an elder statesman can evolve into a first rate caricature! Initially,my caricature of Rao slightly resembled him,but soon there was a situation when he started looking like my caricature of him! The caricature represented his personality more than he himself did!
Atal Behari Vajpayee is not someone who'd inspire a cartoonist! But when your government falls within a period of 13 days,you deserve to be in that three coloumn frame! He has been pushed into situations where he's always been at the mercy of the cartoonist! When Jayalaltha pounced upon him and mauled him,inspite of his unwillingness to be a cartoonist's darling,he became one!Whether India was shining or not,Atalji and his colleagues were shining in our cartoons.And let me admit, lt is we cartoonists who really FELT GOOD through out Atalji's tenure!
The cartoon has come of age in India.It has become an integral part of journalism and democracy.Democracy and freedom are life blood a cartoonist.A cartoonist can't function and survive without his freedom.That's one of the reasons why the art of cartooning has flourished only in democratic countries.But,as Abu Abraham  once wrote-'Nobody gives you freedom on a have to assert your freedom.'
And not surprisingly,when journalists were crawling when they were asked to bend,during the Emergency,it was Abu who was the sole voice of dissent!
After all,cartooning is an art of dissent, an art of protest.It's a negative a positive way.Bečause a cartoonist ultimately dreams of a world in which his role will be eventually eliminated! For,there is no role for a cartoonist in a Utopian world.Fortunately for us,and unfortunately for you,that's a near impossible dream!
We have a rich tradition of cartooning in India! Politicians have learnt to live with it!Many of them really enjoy a good cartoon  even if it is at their own expense!They've  phoned me on several occasions to ask for the day's original drawing!
I am greatly privileged in the sense that cartooning gives me immense power to reduce the mightiest in the land to mere caricatures!
Years back a cartoonist had said that there will be a time when the divining line between the politician and the caricature will dissapear! And that will be the most difficult time for the cartoonist!The last decade saw the evolution of the politician from the leader to the comic caricature...and to the criminal!
Let me come back to the question I raised in the beginning..Is cartooning dying?
I'd like to tell you that a few weeks ago a young and very talented cartoonist from south India came to see me.He was working for a newspaper there and his editor completely stopped using his cartoons.One fine morning,his editor called him to his cabin.
I'm rather sad at the poor state of cartooning in the world,'the editor said with a grim expression on his face.'The art of Political cartooning is dying',-he continued.The young cartoonist was rather touched by his editor's concern.
The young man gathered courage and said...'If you think cartooning is dying,you should protect and groom it rather than killing it,Sir!You have no cartoons in the paper,Sir!:'
'But,do you know that cartooning is dead in England.They don't use front page pocket cartoons anymore?' The editor put on the table The Observer,The Guardian and the Telegraph---three top English papers.'Look...!?'
To the editor's horror,all three had prominently displayed pocket cartoons on their front page! But,they have stopped using large political cartoons.Lookl?'
All three had six column big political cartoons on the Op-ed page!
'So what?', the editor said,'May be it's not dead in England, but,I am absolutely sure that Political cartooning is dead in India,and I have proof---look,there is no cartoon in our newspaper! 'he said triumphantly.
Let me assure you cartooning is not dead in England or America or France or Germany.And It won't be dead in India as well.For,so long as there will be a Laĺoo,or a Jayalalitha or a Mulayam Singh or a A Prakash Karat or a Sonia or an Advani ....there will be an RK Lakshman or a Sudhir Tailang or an Unny.The cartoon is one of the weapons that newspapers have as an anti dote to TVs flickering images like the Twenty 20 cricket! You have to spend a few seconds to enjoy it! For the moment Rakhi Sawant has replaced the cartoon from front -page, but people will soon get bored.
If we have survived as a civilization for thousands of because of our sense of humour!And we will...only if we do not lose it!

 28-Sep-2024 05:43 pmComment

21.  "My word"--- by Sudhir Tailang ,for book The World of Sudhir Tailang 1992 published by UBS publishers

No artist in the world is expected to come out with a creation everyday.A cartoonist,however,can't survive if he doesn't! People often ask me how I manage to think of something to draw every day. It certainly isn't an easy job.It would be even more difficult if our politicians didn't come to the rescue.I feel most of them work for themselves and for the cartoonists.

I enjoyed drawing cartoons in the eighties.The late Rajiv Gandhi initially looked too handsome to be caricatured,but events put him on centŕe-stage and he kept the cartoonists terribly busy.I loved to draw him.Now I miss him.
V.P.Singh's was the best government,in my opinion,since Independence as far as cartoonists are concerned.I had a field day.A whole bunch of caricatures at my disposal---Devi Lal,Chandra Shekhar,Om Prakash Chautala,Ajit singh,Ram Vilas Paswan and,ofcourse,V.P.Singh himself.Then came Mandal and Mandir....and the Rath Yatra with L.k.advani in tow.What more could a cartoonist ask for?
Cartooning is an art of dissent,of Protest.Cartoonists look for negative things and find plenty of them.There are more things going wrong in the country today than those going right.A perfect setting for a cartoonist! The worst times in the political life of a country are the best times for its cartoonists.There's no place for a cartoonist in Utopia.
Fortunately,my present editor,H.K.Dua,has a sense of humour and that works to my advantage.
In this book I present my political cartoons published in The Hindustan Times during the period 1989-91.Begining with the final months of the Rajiv government,traversing through VP's (non-) government,Chandra Shekhar's spooky short spell,it follows the inaugural steps of the Narsimha Rao government's tightrope walk.
Political cartoons have a short life.The day after they are published you find someone eating snacks on your "great" cartoon!Yet, I am convinced the lines of a lively cartoons,somehow,linger on 
Hence this book.

 05-Aug-2024 03:22 amComment

20.  Foreward - By Cartoonist Abu Abraham

Foreward - By Cartoonist Abu Abraham

For the book "The World of Sudhir Tailang", by UBS Publishers 'Distributors Ltd,5 Ansari road,New Delhi 110002.....1992
Into a cartoon scene that has been somewhat deficient in originality and variety,Sudhir Tailang has brought a fresh style of drawing and a new flavour of humour.One can see in his work the influence of the folk drawings and paintings that are seen on the walls of houses and mud huts of his native Rajasthan.
A political or "social" cartoon,with all its sophistication,is still basically a folk art.Its simplicity derives as much from the careful elimination of unnecessary details as from the need to Express a thought directly and swiftly to a vest audience of readers.
Sudhir Tailang,at thirty-one,is one of the youngest professional cartoonists in India and one of the most promising.He had his first cartoon published in 2970 when he was only ten.Since then he has drawn for a number of newspapers and magazines including most of the Times of India publications.Now with The Hindustan Times,which has in the last sixty years taken an enthusiastic interest in political cartoons,starting with Shanker,he is no doubt set for greater achievements.
Having known Sudhir from his college days of Bikaner,I have seen him develop rapidly in both his drawing and in his political and social perceptions.He is not afraid of innovation and experimentation and spends a good deal of time sketching people and places from life.He is free from the influence of mass-produced and mechanical comic drawings that flood the newspaper market.He has avoided short-cuts and borrowed techniques.His cartoons are refreshingly free of hackneyed themes.
A graduate in Science and an M.A. in English literature,Sudhir has taken an active interest in the social problems of the country.He formed a voluntary group,Chitrasha,to collect funds for victims of natural and man-made disasters. He persuaded a few cartoonists ( including me) to do "instant caricatures " in the streets of Delhi a few years ago which fetched Rs 3000/- in aid of the Bhopal gas victims.
The present volume of cartoons,all from The Hindustan Times, is a delightful parade of some of the prominent actors on the Indian political stage.
Rajiv Gandhi is no more,but Advani,V.P.Singh and Devi Lal are still with us.Add Vinod Pande,the astrologer-turned- burocrat (or is it the other way round?), for whom Sudhir Tailang seems to have a special affection- then who can say our cartoonists are starved of challenging heads for their daily sustenance?
The hatreds and viciousness of the Indian political scene can only be tempered by political cartoons,and we need more of them.A sense of humor,said a former editor of Punch,is a sense of proportion.Isn't this what we need in our public life?
Abu Abraham cartoonist kerala 1992

 05-Aug-2024 03:19 amComment

19.  खजुराहो,अजंता अलोरा,वसन्तोत्सव,अरब अप्राइसिंग, स्लटवाल्क,प्रराइड परेड,बार गर्ल -जेसिका लाल की हत्या ,शराब आबंटन में मुनाफ़ाखोरी,शराबबन्दी इतियदी,चमेली क्रांति से आम्रपाली और हीरामन्डी तक़ का मंथन ,व उसका पुराना स्वरुप जो तक्षक की भान्ति फैलता जा रहा है। प्रस्तुत है एक पुराना वाक्या!! ----कलमश्री विभा सी तैलंग

दिल्ली 20/09/1979

कैबरे: अश्लीलता का संकट दूर -बृजेन्द्र रेही
क्या कैबरे नग्नता और अश्लीलता की परिधि में आता है? यह प्रश्न एक अर्से से विवाद का विषय रहा है।मगर पिछ्ले दिनों दिल्ली उच्चन्यायालय ने अपने एक निर्णय में कैबरे को नग्न और अश्लील न मानते हुए कहा है कि कैबरे देखने जानेवाले लोग बड़ी रकमें खर्च करके और अग्रिम सीटें बुक करा कर अपने जैसे दर्शकों के साथ मनोरंजन करते हेँ।और वे लोग जो कैबरे को अश्लील मानकर इसे नहीं देखते उनकी मान्यता से कैबरे डांसर को अभियुक्त नहीं बनाया जा सकता।
       किस्सा यूँ है कि दिल्ली के एक रेस्त्रॉ में,जहाँ कि कैबरे होता है 20 सितम्बर 1979 की शाम पुलिस ने  छापा मारा और चार कैबरे गर्ल तथा रेस्तरां मलिक के विरुद्ध मामला दर्ज कर लिया।इस सम्बंध मेँ यूँ तो अपील एक कैबरे डांसर की ओर से की गई थी मगर पर्दे के पीछे उस रेस्त्रॉ का मनज्मेंट पैसे खर्च कर रहा था। रेस्त्रॉ के मैनेजर से जब यह पूछा गया कि जिस समय पुलिस ने छापा मारा,उस रेस्त्रॉ मेँ 4 लड़कियाँ कैबरे पेश कर रही थीं।उन्होँने 'ब्रा' और ' अंडरवियर' ही पहन रखा था।वे शरीर के विभिन्न अंगों को लहरा-लहरा कर ग्राहकों का मनोरंजन कर रही थीं।
पहले पहल यह मामला मेट्रोपोलिटन मजिस्ट्रेट की अदालत में पेश हुआ,जहाँ से कैबरे नर्तकियों को सम्मन भिजवाकर 20 अप्रैल '80  को अदालत में हाज़िर होने का आदेश दिया गया। इस आदेश दिया गया।इस आदेश के विरूद्ध कैबरे नर्तकी साधना ने दिल्ली उच्च न्यायालय में एक याचिका पेश कर निचली अदालत की कार्यवाही को चुनौती की।उसी याचिका पर  न्यायमूर्ति मांगीलाल जैन ने 11 नवंबर '80 को अपना फैसला पूर्व में विभिन्न न्यायालयों के निर्णयों के संदर्भों मे अपनी राय जोडते हुए दिया।  
अदालत मेँ जो कागज़ात पेश किए गए उसके अनुसार कैबरे नर्तकी साधना (असली नाम नहीं)किन्ही सुनील दत्त की लड़की बताई जाती है।वह स्थायी रूप से बंगलोर की रहनेवाली है।
दिल्ली के इस रेस्त्रॉ मेँ वह पिछले कई दिनों से नाच रही ही थी। "कैबरे-गर्ल' की हालत आमतौर पर बड़ी दयनीय है।कहते हें जिन होटलों में वे नाच करती हें,उनके मालिकों और खास ग्राहकों की 'हवश' की भी कभी कभार शिकार होना पड़ता है।दिल्ली में 8 ऐसे होटल् तथा रेस्त्रॉ हेँ,जिनमें कैबरे होते हें।
कैबरे करनेवाली‐ लडकियां समानत्या: एक जगह जमकर नहीं रहती।वे देश के नगरों महानगरोँ के होटलों मेँ ' 'कॉन्ट्रैक्ट' के अनुसार नाचती रहती है।इतना ही नहीं अलग अलग स्थानों पर इनका अलग अलग नाम होता है।सबसे अधिक कैबरे डांसर बम्बई में हें।इस पेशे में अपनानेवाली लड़कियाँ एक निश्चित उम्र के बाद यातना पूर्ण और दयनीय ज़िंदगी जीते हुए भी देखी गयी है।
जो भी हो दिल्ली उच्च न्यायालय के फैसले से कैबरे करनेवाली लडकियों और रेस्तरां तथा होटल चलाने वालों  का हौसला बढा है।एक बार पहले भी बम्बई
 हाई कोर्ट ने भी यह फैसला दिया था कि कैबरे जुर्म नहीं है।इस धंधे से मनोरंजन-कर के रूप में सरकार करोड़ों रुपये कमाती है।ऐसे में होटल मालिकों का कहना है कि अगर सरकार चाह्ती इसे बन्द कराना तो पहले ही करा देती।अब जब हम भी लाभ कमाते हें तो दर्शकों को 'खुश' रखना हमारा फर्ज है।
न्यायमुर्ति मांगीलाल जैन ने 11 नवंबर '80 को जो फैसला सुनाया उसमें पूर्व  में निर्णीत मुकदमों की भी चर्चा थी है।एक बहुचर्चित मामला 1975 की है।महाराष्ट्र राज्य बनाम जॉयसजी उर्फ टेमिको में बॉम्बे हाईकोर्ट ने निर्णय देते हुए कहा।जब एक 18 वर्ष से अधिक आयु का ग्राहक टिकट खरीदकर होटल में
कैबरे देखने जाता है,वह अनुचित नहीं कहा,वह अनुचित नहीं कहा जा सकता है।उर्वसी तथा सप्रा बनाम महेश बाबूवाले मामले में भी अश्लीलता को आधार बनाया गया है।अश्लीलता का मामला पुस्तक़ों के सन्दर्भ में तो लागू हो सकता है।पुस्तकेँ किसी के भी हाथ में पड़ सकती हेंँ।किन्तु कैबरे देखने के लिए वे ही लोग महंगे होटलों में जाते हें,जो पैसा खर्च कर सकते हें।धारा 294 के अन्तर्गत अपराध उसे माना है,जोकि किसी भी तरह से किसी वर्ग या व्यक्ति को हानि पहुंचाती हो। इसी प्रकार एक अन्य मामले में महाराष्ट्र हाईकोर्ट का यह कहना है कि अदालत अश्लीलता ने मामलों पर निर्णय के समय पूर्ण सन्दर्भ देखे क्योंकि अलग अलग देशों में अश्लीलता की अलग अलग मान्यताएं हें। पर समकालीन समाज की नैतिक़ धारणाओं पर निर्भर करती है।
इसलिए अपीलार्थी की यह दलील न्यायसंगत लगती है,क्योंकि मैने एक अन्य निर्णित मामले में पाया है कि समकालीन भारतीय समाज की मान्यताएं भी तेज़ी से बदल रही हें।वयस्क और किशोरों के लिए बड़ी संख्या में उत्कृष्ट साहित्य,उप्लब्ध हैं जिनमें सैक्स,प्रेम,और कला के क्षेत्र मे  भी ये बाते हें,जिन्हें किशोर भी पहले देखते हें।अब कई बातें ऐसी हें जो आज से एक चौथाई शती पहले अनुचित मानी जाती थी।
जॉयसजी सप्रावाले मामले में जो बातें सामने आयी हें,वे दिल्ली के रेस्तराँ से कहीं आगे है।वहाँ नर्तकी सिगरेट पीती हुई हाल में आती है और किसी दर्शक के पीछे खड़ी हो जाती है।वह कुछ देर नाचती है और ग्राहकों को कपड़े उतारने के लिए बुलाती है।जिस्म पर जब "पैंटीज़", और "ब्रा" रह जाता है तब वह मेजों के चारों और चक्कर लगाती है। ग्राहकों के जिस्म से अपने नंगे जिस्म को रगड़ती है।रति-क्रीड़ा की सारी हरकतें वह कर जाती है।जब मुंबई के उक्त मामले में भी बुद्धिमान न्यायाधीश ने यह कहा कि धारा 294 के अंतर्गत कुछ नहीं किया जा सकता तब दिल्ली का यह मामला उससे अधिक कहाँ है? इसलिए यहां के मामले को अश्लील नहीं माना जा सकता।यदि सरकार कैमरे रोकना चाह्ती है तो उसे अलग कानून बनाना चाहिए।
अन्ततः दिल्ली उच्च न्यायालय ने अपने फैसले में उपरोक्त सभी मामलों की चर्चा की है तथा ज़ोर देकर पुन :कहा कि दिल्ली के उस रेस्तरां में जो कुछ हो रहा था वह  बम्बई के रेस्तरां से घाटिया नहीं था।अगर सरकार 
कैबरे को रोकना चाहती है तो उसके लिए अलग से कानून बनाना होगा।धारा 294 के तहत इस मामले में कुछ अधिक नहीं किया सकता।
बृजेन्द्र रही

 02-Aug-2024 05:32 pmComment

18.  सफल कार्टूनिस्ट को पूर्वाग्रह से मुक्त होना चाहिए

हिन्दी कार्टूनिस्ट में सुधीर तैलंग का नाम अब किसी पहचान और परिचय का मुहताज नहीं रह गया है। 28 वर्षिय हँसमुख,शालीन और मिलनसार सुधीर तैलंग बेहद ही उत्साही और अपने कार्य के प्रति सतत् सजग कार्टूनिस्ट हें।सुधीर तैलंग हिन्दी के कुछ बेहतरीन कार्टूनिस्ट में से एक हैं।सुधीर तैलंग नवभारत टाइम्स से सम्बध होने के कारण प्रतिदिन पाठकों से चित्रों के माध्यम से मिलते हें।एक शाम उनके दफ्तर में हिन्दी कार्टून की समस्याएँ और उनके कार्टून पर केंद्रित बातचीत हुई।प्रस्तुत है बातचीत के प्रमुख अंश- 
    *हिन्दी समचार पत्रों में व्यंग्य चित्र विश्व के विकास के बारे में आपकी क्या राय है?*
    हिन्दी अखब़ारों में अब तक जो 'कार्टून' की स्तिथि रही है बहुत अच्छी नहीं रही है। और कार्टून की स्तिथि पर बात करके मुझे कोई बहुत खुशी नहीं होगी क्योंकि हिन्दी कार्टूनिंग की दिशा ही बहुत गलत है।हिन्दी फिल्मों में जो काम कादर खान कर रहे हेँ,वही हिन्दी कार्टूनिस्ट में हो रहा है।वही घाटियापन,भौंडापन,छिछलापन और सस्ता हास्य।
     *इसके लिए ज़िम्मेदार किसको मानते हें?*
     इसके लिए कार्टूनिस्ट भी ज़िम्मेदार है,सम्पादक भी।कार्टून के प्रति संपादकों की समझ नहीं है।हिन्दी कार्टून की दशा वही है जो आज से 30 वर्ष पूर्व अन्ग्रेजी कार्टूनो की थी।हिन्दी कार्टून की शुरुआत ही गलत तरीके से हुई है।
*यह कैसे?*
 जिस तरह आज अखबारों में कार्टून देखने को मिल रहे हें,वो लगभग घाटियापन और भौंडेपन के स्तर का है।जब शुरुआत ही इस दिशा में है,तो प्रेरणा भी भविष्य में इसी से लिया जाएगा।धीरे-धीरे घाटिया स्तर ही स्थापित हो जाएगा।
    *आप इस प्रभाव से खुद  को मुक्त कैसे रख पाए?*
    मेरा यह मानना है कि हो सकता है कि भौंडापन लाखों की पसंद हो लेकिन स्तरीय कार्टून यदि 10-5 लोग ही समझ पाए वही काफी है।लाखों पाठकों के चक्कर में मेंँ बाजारूपन पर  नहीं उतर सकता। यदि पाठकों को कार्टून का मज़ा लेना है, तो उन्हें अपना स्तर बढ़ाना होगा,में अपना स्तर नहीं गिरा सकता।
       *मतलब कि हिन्दी कार्टून के विकास से निराश हें।*
   पूरी तरह से निराश हूँ और मुझे दूर-दर तक कोई आशा की किरण नज़र नहीं आ रही है। मेरा मानना है कि,हिन्दी कार्टूनिंग की स्थिति आज के हिन्दी फिल्मों जैसी है।
    *लेकिन हिन्दी फिल्मों में सार्थक सिनेमा के नाम पर कला फ़िल्में तो है?*
     मेरा अर्थ इस कला फिल्म से नहीं है,जिसको कोई समझ ही ना पाए।में उस श्रेणी में खुद को नहीं रखता।आम आदमी तक पहुंचने के लिए कार्टून में सरलता हो,सौम्यपन हो।
      *सफल व्यंग्य चित्रकार के लिए सैद्धांतिक,व्यवहारिक और मानसिक तेयारी क्या होनी चाहिए?*
   एक कार्टूनिस्ट के लिए कुछ चीज़ें बहुत ज़रूरी है कार्टून में आइडिया बहुत महत्वपूर्ण होता है,लेकिन चित्र भी कोई कम महत्वपूर्ण नहीं होता।कार्टूनिस्ट को पूर्वाग्रह से मुक्त होना ज़रूरी है।किसी 'वाद' या 'धारा' से भी मुक्त होना अनिवार्य है।
    *व्यंग्य चित्रकार को आप क्या मानते हें विचारक या आलोचक?*
     कार्टूनिस्ट की भूमिका बहुत तरह की होती है,कोई विचारक,कोई आलोचक,कोई उसे दार्शनिक मानता है।लेकिन एक कार्टूनिस्ट की भूमिका समाज का एक निष्पक्ष कॉमेन्ट्री करनेवाला है,जो जनता को बीच खडा हो कर जनता की बात बताता है।
     *क्या व्यंग्य चित्रकार को अन्य भाषा के समाचार पत्रों के कार्टूनों से सतत सम्पर्क रखना चाहिए?*
    बिल्कुल रखना चाहिए।इसी के अभाव में तो हिन्दी कार्टून पिछड़ा हुआ है।अभी तक कार्टून पिछड़ा हुआ है।अभी तक के 'कांसेप्ट' के बारे मे पाठक,सम्पादक,और कार्टूनिस्ट तीनों अपरिचित है।ज्ञान की कमी,अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय घटनाओं से अपरिचित होने के कारण ही हिन्दी कार्टूनिंग की स्थिति चिन्ताजनक बनी हुई है।
      *क्या व्यंग चित्र अखबार की नीतियों से परिचालित होता है या आप स्वतंत्र हें?*
       कार्टून बनाते समय में बिल्कुल स्वतंत्र रहता हूं।मेरे ऊपर किसी प्रकार का कोई दवाब नहीं होता।
      *आपकी दृष्टि में भारत का सबसे अच्छा और सफल हिन्दी कार्टूनिस्ट कौन है?*
      हिन्दी का कोई भी कार्टूनिस्ट सफल नहीं है और ना ही स्तरीय है,ना ही अच्छा।
      *चलिए मान लिया कि अच्छा नहीं,लेकिन जो एक दो नाम लिया जा सकता है,उस पर कुछ बताएँ?*
      मेँ मानता हूँ कि हिन्दी कार्टून अभी उस स्तर पर आया ही नहीं है।हाँ 5-10 वर्ष बाद यदि यही सवाल मुझ से करेंगे,तो हो सकता है कि एक-दो नाम सामने आये।
          *नये पीढी की कुछ कार्टूनिस्टोँ ने कोई संभावना नज़र आ रही है?*
       हिन्दी कार्टूनिंग की स्थिति वाकई बहुत खराब है और नयी पीढ़ी में भी कोई नाम सामने नहीं आ रहा है।हिन्दी कार्टूनिंग में अन्धेरा ही अन्धेरा है।मुझे दुख है कि एक भी नाम नहीं ले सकता।
            *बिल्कुल दरिद्रवाली स्थिति है?*
 हाँ मान सकते है,क्योंकि सवाल यह है कि जब कार्टूनिंग की दिशा ही गलत है तब हम आगे कहाँ जा रहे हैं। हम लोग पीछे जा रहे खाई की ओर ।
       *ऐसी निराशाजनक स्थिति में आप अपनी ओर  से सुधार के लिए क्या कर रहे हें?*
        अपनी ओर से में पूरी निष्ठा के साथ काम रहा हूँ बस।
        *लेकिन,ऐसे संकटग्रस्त माहौल में आपके ऊपर यह ज़िम्मेदारी है कि इस विधा को स्थापित करने के लिए कुछ करें,कार्टूनिंग को सही रास्ते पर लाएं?*
         सवाल यह है कि जब सारे कार्टूनिस्ट भौंडेपन को बढ़ावा दे रहे हेँ तो में बहुत कुछ नहीं कह सकता।इस स्थिति से उबरने के लिए सम्पादक और पूरा प्रबन्धक ज़िम्मेदार है।
     *व्यंग्य चित्र को स्थापित करने के लिए क्या प्रशिक्षण की भी जरुरत पड़ती है?*
      कार्टूनकला तो जन्मजात कला है।इसे प्रशिक्षण लेकर सीखा नहीं जाता,लेकिन प्रारंभिक दौर में यदि प्रतिभा को प्रशिक्षण मिल जाए,बुनियाद बातों को बताया जाए तो बहुत कुछ कार्टूनिस्ट सामने उभर कर आये।
      *आप कार्टून बनाने के लिए किस प्रकार की मानसिक तैयारी करते हें?*
        मानसिक तैयारी सोचिए की सुबह उठने के बाद दिल्ली के सभी अखबारों को दो-तीन घण्टे जमकर पढ़ता हूँ,फिर दफ्तर आता हूँ।दफ्तर में पुन:अखबार पढता हूं।कभी-कभी तो खबर पढ़ते ही बीच में आइडिया आ जाता है।वैसे अखबारों से खबर छाटंता हूँ।खबर के आधार पर सोचता हूँ।रेखा चित्र बनाता रहता हूँ,सोचता रहता हूँ एकदम बैचैन सा टहलता हूं।
     *यानी एक पागलपन सा सवार रहता है?*
   हाँ लगता है कि शून्य में से कोई आइडिया खोजकर लाना जैसा होता है आपके सामने खाली पन्ना है जिसे भरना है।पागल की तरह बैठे-बैठे लकीरें खींचते रहना। बाद में आखिरकार कोई न कोई आइडिया सामने आ ही जाता है।
  *यानी,कार्टून बनाने के पहले मानसिक यातना से गुज़रना पड़ता है?*
    इसे आप प्रसव पीड़ा जैसी यातना भी मान सकते हें,लेकिन बच्चे को जन्म देने के बाद जो आनन्द होता है उसी प्रकार की अनुभूति भी होती है।ऐसा लगता है कि आप रोज़ रोज़ माँ बन रहे हें,और पीड़ा तथा आनन्द का सुख भोग रहे हें।
     *आइडिया मिल जाने के बाद कार्टून बनाने में कितना समय लगता है ?*
वह तो कार्टून और स्तिथि पर निर्भर करता है,लेकिन एक दो घंटे औसतन लग जाते हें लेकिन सोचते रहने की प्रक्रिया तो हमेशा चलती ही रहती है।
      *अपने कार्टूनो से क्या आप संतुष्ट हो जाते हें?*
    कभी कभी संतुष्ट हो जाता हूं,कभी -कभी खुद पर आश्चर्य होता है कि इतना बढ़िया आइडिया कहाँ से आया,लेकिन ऐसी स्थिति माह में 4-5 बार अधिक नहीं आती।
     * क्या हिन्दी कार्टूनिस्ट के रूप में कैरियर बनाया जा सकता है?*
      हिन्दी में कार्टूनिस्ट के रूप में कैरियर बनाना बहुत ही चुनौतीपूर्ण कार्य है,क्योँकि आर्थिक पहलू की समस्या सबसे अधिक है।फिर हिन्दी कार्टून का भविष्य भी बहुत उज्जवल नहीं लगता इस कारण बहुत ही साहसिक कार्य है इसे कैरियर चुनना।
       *लेकिन आपने इसे कैरियर क्यों चुना?*
मेँ बनना तो चाहता था डॉक्टर,बचपन से कार्टून बना रहा हूं।दस वर्ष की आयु से ही कार्टून हिन्दूस्तान के सभी प्रमुख पत्रिकाओं में छपने लगी।फिर 82 में स्नातक किया और टाइम्स ग्रुप में नौकरी करने लगा।मेने 17-18  वर्ष की आयु में ही निर्णय कर लिया था कि कार्टूनिस्ट बनना है,लेकिन किस तरफ़ जाना है,यह निश्चित नहीं था।
*आपके कार्टूनिस्ट बनने के पीछे आपके प्रेरणा स्त्रोत कौन है?*
हम लोग राजनैतिक जीव हैं।हमारे यहां राजनीति पैदा होते ही प्रारंभ हो जाती है।यानि राजनीति का इतना प्रभाव है कि जीवन मेँ राजनीति को हटाकर हम कुछ सोच ही नहीं पाते।हालांकि मेने सामाजिक-राजनीतिक कार्टून भी बताए हें,लेकिन राजनीति कार्टून पर हावी है।
*आपका पात्र जो पत्रकार है उसको हो आपने आपना पात्र क्यों चुना?*
   जब मेंने इस पात्र को चुना था,तब सम्पादक से इस सन्दर्भ में बातचीत हुई थी।अन्त में मेने निर्णय लिया कि में सामान्य पात्र नहीं बनाऊंगा।तब समस्या थी कि आखिर वो पात्र कौन हो,जो असामान्य होकर भी सामान्य हो? तब मेने सोचा कि 'पत्रकार' ऐसा जीव है,जो करीब-करीब हर जगह जा सकता हैं और बेतुका भी नहीं लगेगा।
    *मतलब की आप ऐसा पात्र चाहते थे,कि वो 'हवा ' की तरह हर जगह उप्लब्ध है।*
     जी हां,जो आम आदमी न होकर भी आम है,उसे भी सारी आम समस्याएं झेलनी पड़ती है,क्योंकि मेरा 'पत्रकार' कभी भी 'पत्रकार' होने का गलत फायदा नहीं उठाता (हँसते हुए) मेरा 'पत्रकार' बेचारा बसों में घूमता है,औटो में घूमता है राशन की कतार में खड़ा होता है (हँसते हुए ताकि नवभारत टाईम्स का कार्ड दिखाकर फायदा ले ले) इसी मायने में यह आम आदमी है और इसी कारण अलग चरित्र बनाना चाहता था,और यह ठीक है।
      *क्या आपका पात्र अपनी पहचान बना चुका है?*
  हाँ लोग तो जानते ही हैं बल्कि बहुत लोगों की यह धारणा है कि सुधीर तैलंग इसी तरह का होगा(हंस कर)
जबकी सुधीर तैलंग तो पैंट शर्ट पहनता है।"

 01-Aug-2024 01:40 amComment

17.  धर्म के साथ राष्ट्र भी नष्ट होता है-

धर्म के साथ राष्ट्र भी नष्ट होता है-

 कलमश्री विभा सी तैलंग 
'मजहब नहीं सिखाता आपस में बैर रखना,' ये इक़बाल के शब्द हेँ। हिन्दू धर्म ने सदियों से इस देश में आक्रमणकर्ताओं को झेल है और सभी मत-पंथों को अपने अंदर समाहित कर लिया है,फिर भी यह नष्ट या भ्रष्ट नहीं हुआ।कारण है इसको उदात्तता और इसके मूल में छिपा मानवता का संदेश।रहन-सहन हो,भाषा हो,पहनावा हो,खान-पान हो,कला,साहित्य या संस्कृति हो,भारत की विविधता में एकता है और यही भारतीयता है।हम भारतीयों ने विश्व को सर्वधर्म सद्भाव और 'वसुधैव कुटुंबकम' का पाठ हमेशा पढाया है।
स्वामी विवेकानंद के शब्दों में कोई भी व्यक्ति तभी हिन्दू कहलाने का अधिकारी है जब वह समाज के लिए कुछ भी सहने को तत्पर हो।उन महान गुरु गोविन्द सिंह के समान,जिन्होंने हिन्दू धर्म की रक्षा के लिए अपना रक़्त बहाया,रणक्षेत्र मेँ अपने लाड़ले बेटों का बलिदान होते देखा।पर जिनके लिए उन्होँने अपना तथा अपने संबंधियों का रक़्त चढ़ाया,उनके ही द्वारा परित्यक्त होने पर वह घायल सिंह चुपचाप हट गया और दक्षिण में जाकर चिर निद्रा में सो गया।परंतु जिन्होंने कृतघ्नतापूर्वक उनका साथ छोड़ दिया था,उनके लिए अभिशाप का एक शब्द भी उस वीर के मुंह से न फूटा।यह है आदर्श उस महान गुरु का।
आजकल इस बात की बड़ी चर्चा है कि हिंदू धर्म की श्रेष्ठता किसमें है? हिन्दू धर्म का शीर्षस्थ गुण कौन-सा है?
किसे हिन्दू धर्म शिरोभुषण कहा जा सकता है? भले ही इस चर्चा के पीछे सच्चाई जानने की वास्तविक इच्छा हो अथवा मात्र शब्दों का छल,पर चर्चा चलती रहती है।हम हिन्दुओं में से ऐसे कितने होंगे जिन्हें इसकी जानकारी होगी कि अपने धर्म का शिरोभुषण वास्तव में कौन है?
किसी भी धर्म का रहस्य न समझते हुए उसकी प्रशंसा व्यर्थ है।विदेशी लोग कितने ही विद्वान एवं तीक्ष्ण
बुध्हि हों,वे हमारे धर्म और हमारी समाज-व्यवस्था के बीच का अन्तर समझ नहीं सकते। क्योंकि हमारी समाज-व्यवस्था की अनेक बातों में धर्म की सत्ता चलती है। हिन्दू धर्म का एक अनुभाग,जिसे उपनिषद कहते हैं,ऐसा है जिसमें परम,सार्वभौम,सत्य,शाश्वत चिरन्तन ज्ञान और विचारों का वर्णन है।संसार के अन्य किसी सुसंगत धर्म-मत में इसका अभाव है।
हिन्दू धर्म में दंत कथाओं का प्रचुर भंडार है किन्तु अन्य किसी धर्म की अपेक्षा हिन्दू-धर्म की यथार्थ विषयवस्तु 
इन दंत कथाओं पर कम से कम निर्भर है।पाश्चात्य लोगों की श्रद्धा पर ऐतिहासिक कैची चलाई जाए तो उनकी श्रद्धा कहीं टिकेगी नहीं।उनकी श्रद्धा एवं विश्वास का कोई आधार नहीं बचेगा।किन्तु हिन्दू धर्म के साथ ऐसा नहीं है।सत्य के अन्वेषण के लिए चलनेवाली प्रत्येक दौड़ धूप,सत्य सन्धान का प्रत्येक प्रयोग हिन्दू धर्म में पवित्र माना गया है। ब्रूनो अगर भारत में जन्मा होता तो कभी जीवित नहीं जलाया गया होता,गैलीलियो यदि भारतवासी होता तो कभी सताया न गया होता।
हिन्दू धर्म एक ऐसे समाज का धर्म है जो कभी बर्बर नहीं बना।ज्ञान एवं शिक्षा के साथ हमारा कभी विरोध,संघर्ष नहीं रहा।सत्य के विविध स्वरूपों में हम कोई भेद नहीं करते।हिन्दू धर्म की मुर्तिपूजा भी ज्ञान-विरोधी नहीं।हमें अपनी श्रद्घा के प्रति प्रमाणिक होना चाहिए।यहां गणित विद्धया भी दैवीय है और शास्त्रज्ञ भी ऋषी ही हें।पाणिनि,आर्यभट्ट,धनवंतरि और सुश्रुत सभी को हमारे यहां ऋषी माना जाता है।
"अपना धर्म नष्ट हो रहा है,कलयुग आ गया,' ऐसा कहनेवालों को भलीभांति ध्यान रखना चाहिए कि जो नष्ट होने जा रहे हें,वे उनके अन्धविश्वास हें,न कि धर्म के सत्य व शाश्वत सिध्दांत।कोई सुबह उठकर चाय पीता है या सर घुटाने के स्थान पर केश रखता है तो इससे हिन्दू धर्म समाप्त होनेवाला नहीं है।जाति,व्यवसाय,रहन-सहन,आचार-व्यवहार से सभी नष्ट हो जाएँ,फिर भी हिन्दू धर्म यथावत अभंग खड़ा रहेगा।हिन्दू धर्म के आचार-विचार,इतनी अल्पावधि में इसाई देशों में फ़ैल रहे हें,इसी से क्या हम हिन्दू धर्म के भविष्य के विषय मेँ कल्पना नहीं कर सकते?
क्या हम नहीं जानते कि धर्म-पन्थों के विलुप्त होने से राष्ट्र भी नष्ट हो जाते हें? प्राचीन मिश्र और बेबीलोन की सभ्यता के इतिहास की दुखद कहानी यह सत्य बताती है।वे राष्ट्र मर गए,सदा के लिए नष्ट हो गए।उनके पुनर्जीवित होने की कोई संभावना अब नहीं है,क्योंकि उन्होँने अपने पूर्वजों की विचार-धरोहर को त्याग दिया।भारतवर्ष ऐसा आततायी आत्मघाती काम कभी नहीं करेगा।भारतवर्ष अपनी अस्मिता का त्याग नहीं करेगा बल्कि वह संसार भर में छा जाएगा।

 28-Jul-2024 08:36 pmComment

16.  5 greatest cartoonists of India

Sudhir Tailang, a Padma Shri awardee (he got it in 2004,) is what I would call a visual thinker. Tailang currently works with Asian Age, but similar to Mario Miranda, he started his career with The Illustrated Weekly of India.

Tailang worked mainly with The Hindustan Times (I am a Time of India reader but for a short time, way back in the 90s and early 2000s, I had subscribed to the HT for a limited time. I remember seeing his cartoons then. When you look at cartoons and you yourself like to draw, you tend to look at the name of the artist when you like a drawing. So I remember looking at his name and thinking that he was cool.

While his line-work is different from Mario‘s, or Ninan‘s, or even Laxman‘s; Tailang’s humor cuts through it all and reaches you; and for a cartoonist, the message is always more important than the visual.

Find a collection of his cartoons at:

 12-Sep-2022 08:25 pmComment

15.  Cartoonist Sudhir Tailang passes away

(Bindu Shajan Perappadan)


He recently launched a book of cartoons titled "No, Prime Minister", a set of cartoons on former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

Cartoonist Sudhir Tailang, who was suffering from a brain tumour, passed away on Saturday, at a private city hospital according to his family members. The artist was 55 and had been under treatment for over two years.

His family said that the cartoonist breathed his last at 12.30 p.m. and is to be cremated at 2 p.m. on Sunday at Lodhi Road crematorium.

Doctors at Medanta Hospital in Gurgaon where he died said: “Tailang was under treatment for the last two years. He was in hospital for more than a month and his family was told that chances of his recovery weren’t bright.''

He was suffering from GBM-4 stage brain tumour and had undergone two surgeries and chemotherapy during the course of his treatment over two years.

He was awarded the Padma Shri in 2004 for his contribution to the art of cartooning.

Born in Bikaner, Mr. Tailang came out with his first cartoon in 1970. He started his career with the Illustrated Weekly of India in Mumbai, in 1982. A year later, he joined the Navbharat Times in New Delhi. He had worked with all major English newspapers including the Hindustan Times , the Times of India and the Indian Express . His last assignment was with the Asian Age .

There was hardly any known personality in political world or other sphere of life who could escape his brush.

Mourning the loss of “a good adviser and well-wisher”, the Kerala Cartoon Academy said he represented the cartoon fraternity and floated top among Indian cartoonists with a different style.

(With inputs from IANS)

 12-Sep-2022 08:22 pmComment

14.  Looking at cartoons, getting along

Launched on Nov 29 2006, now 2,100+ posts...This bilingual blog - in Marathi- is largely a celebration of visual and/or comic ... ..George Santayana: " Everything in nature is lyrical in its ideal essence, tragic in its fate, and comic in its existence"...William Hazlitt: "Pictures are scattered like stray gifts through the world; and while they remain, earth has yet a little gilding."

G C Lichtenberg: “It is as if our languages were confounded: when we want a thought, they bring us a word; when we ask for a word, they give us a dash; and when we expect a dash, there comes a piece of bawdy.”


C. P. Cavafy: "I’d rather look at things than speak about them."

Martin Amis: “Gogol is funny, Tolstoy in his merciless clarity is funny, and Dostoyevsky, funnily enough, is very funny indeed; moreover, the final generation of Russian literature, before it was destroyed by Lenin and Stalin, remained emphatically comic — Bunin, Bely, Bulgakov, Zamyatin. The novel is comic because life is comic (until the inevitable tragedy of the fifth act);...”


Kenneth Goldsmith: "In 1969 the conceptual artist Douglas Huebler wrote, “The world is full of objects, more or less interesting; I do not wish to add any more.”1 I’ve come to embrace Huebler’s ideas, though it might be retooled as “The world is full of texts, more or less interesting; I do not wish to add any more.” It seems an appropriate response to a new condition in writing today: faced with an unprecedented amount of available text, the problem is not needing to write more of it; instead, we must learn to negotiate the vast quantity that exists. How I make my way through this thicket of information—how I manage it, how I parse it, how I organize and distribute it—is what distinguishes my writing from yours."


Sudhir Tailang Is Making Shankar New!

Ezra Pound: Make It New

Walt Whitman: “Do I repeat myself? Very well then, I repeat myself.”

André Gide: “Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one was listening, everything must be said again.”

John Barth:

"And originality—“making it new”—has many forms. The mainspring of Somadeva’s (??????) epical eleventh-century Sanskrit tale-cycle, Kátha sarit ságara ??? ???? ????, or “Ocean of the Streams of Story” (longer than Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey combined), is the goddess Parvati’s request that her consort Siva, as her reward for a particularly divine session of love-making, tell her a story that no one has ever heard before or will ever hear again. In fact, however, the multi-volume “Great Tale” that her lord comes up with includes whole cycles of earlier tales, such as the centuries-old Panchatantra ???????? (“Five Principles”) and the Vetalapanchavimsati ??????????????? (“Twenty-five Tales of a Vampire”). And Siva’s tale is overheard by one of the house-servants, who repeats it to his wife, who repeats it to Parvati, who is so incensed by the violation of her for-my-ears-only contract that many consequences follow—including, fortunately, the Great Tale’s transcription and its passage down the ages to us."

I have already written a post on the NCERT cartoon issue.

Cartoonist Sudhir Tailang has been agitated over this. His agitation is understandable because this issue was preceded by Mamata Banerjee cartoon issue.

I have already hailed Mr. Tailang as the best political cartoonist in India today.

And here is another example why.
If you have still not seen Shankar's NCERT cartoon, you can see it here.

Now watch following cartoon by Mr. Tailang.

Although I on an average see more than a funny picture almost every day, seldom I laugh out loud. Especially when I am alone.

This picture made me laugh really loud when I was alone. I did not expect the artist to go out on this limb.

This is Mr. Tailang's tribute to the late Mr. Shankar. The only major difference between the two pictures is the presence / absence of people of India. For some reason, Mr. Tailang's picture doesn't have them.

I see a design even there.

Politicians were accessible then. Now they aren't.

Taya Zinkin, (1918-2003) a prominent English journalist and author writes

“I watched Nehru who had been so accessible even after his country became independent, become increasingly isolated, until one day in Amritsar, an old man who only wanted to touch his feet and receive darshan was nearly killed by a lathi and was carried away by the police in mufti. I watched the slow erosion power works on those who enjoy it and slowly, one by one, I lost my old friends in politics. Constructive criticism, at first welcome, soon grew sour compared with the sycophancy of those who had axes to grind and beds to feather. Power corrupts because it isolates and because in the modern world there is no room for the traditional fool of Shakespearian days.”

(“Sahibs Who Loved India” Ed. Khushwant Singh)

Therefore you now have no one watching them when they are whipping India's 'snail' economy unlike then when they were creating India's constitution!

Remember, Dr. Manmohan Singh is NOT whipping Mr. Pranab Mukherjee. He is about whip the snail. (Even that looks cruel to me now!)
Kenneth Goldsmith: “The literary critic Marjorie Perloff has recently begun using the term unoriginal genius to describe this tendency emerging in literature. Her idea is that, because of changes brought on by technology and the Internet, our notion of genius—a romantic isolated figure—is outdated. An updated notion of genius would have to center around one’s mastery of information and its dissemination. Perloff has coined a term, moving information, to signify both the act of pushing language around as well as the act of being emotionally moved by that process. She posits that today’s writer resembles more a programmer than a tortured genius, brilliantly conceptualizing, constructing, executing, and maintaining a writing machine.”…Will Self: “To attempt to write seriously is always, I feel, to fail – the disjunction between my beautifully sonorous, accurate and painfully affecting mental content, and the leaden, halting sentences on the page always seems a dreadful falling short. It is this failure – a ceaseless threnody keening through the writing mind – that dominates my working life, just as an overweening sense of not having loved with enough depth or recklessness or tenderness dominates my personal one.” ...John Berger: “Seeing comes before words. The child looks and recognizes before it can speak. But there is also another sense in which seeing comes before words. It is seeing which establishes our place in the surrounding world; we explain that world with words, but words can never undo the fact that we are surrounded by it. The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled.”... Mark Twain: "Oh, dear me, how unspeakably funny and owlishly idiotic and grotesque was that “plagiarism” farce! As if there was much of anything in any human utterance except plagiarism!... For substantially all ideas are second-hand, consciously and unconsciously drawn from a million outside sources.”… John Crowley: "Meanwhile the real world then, no matter what, will be as racked with pain and insufficiency as any human world at any time. It just won’t be racked by the same old pains and insufficiencies; it will be strange. It is forever unknowably strange, its strangeness not the strangeness of fiction or of any art or any guess but absolute. That’s its nature."...Hilary Mantel: “It’s for Shakespeare to penetrate the heart of a prince, and for me to study his cuff buttons.”… Ingmar Bergman: "It is my opinion that art lost its basic creative drive the moment it was separated from worship. It severed an umbilical cord and now lives its own sterile life"... Graham Greene: "Kim Philby betrayed his country-yes, perhaps he did, but who among us has not committed treason to something or someone more important than a country?"... Friedrich Schlegel: "Hercules…labored too…But the goal of his career was really always a sublime leisure, and for that reason he became one of the Olympians. Not so this Prometheus, the inventor of education and enlightenment…Because he seduced mankind into working, [he] now has to work himself, whether he wants to or not"... Walt Whitman: “Do I repeat myself? Very well then, I repeat myself.”...W H Auden: "…though one cannot always/ Remember exactly why one has been happy,/ There is no forgetting that one was"...Walter de la Mare: "No, No, Why further should we roam / Since every road man Journeys by, / Ends on a hillside far from Home / Under an alien sky"...People are always talking about originality, but what do they mean? As soon as we are born, the world begins to work upon us, and this goes on to the end. What can we call our own except energy, strength, and will? If I could give an account of all that I owe to great predecessors and contemporaries, there would be but a small balance in my favor. — Goethe… It’s not where you take things from — it’s where you take them to. — Jean-Luc Godard… G. A. Kulkarni: "Over these unremembered marble columns, Birds glide their old remembered way, Dive in red-gold setting tide And write dark alphabets on evening sky; Whether an epitaph, chorus or strange augury - little man you only hope to know!"

 12-Sep-2022 08:20 pmComment

13.  Home news 3

Sudhir Tailang at launch of RK Laxman’s book at Delhi book fair. (Photo Courtesy: Twitter/sudhirtailang)

Born in Bikaner, Rajasthan, Sudhir breathed his last in Medanta hospital, Gurgaon.

 12-Sep-2022 08:14 pmComment

12.  Home news 2

Sudhir Tailang (right) with patriarch of cartooning Shankar Pillai (Left) on 31 July’86. Pillai inaugrated his 1st solo show on his 84th birthday. (Photo Courtesy: Twitter/sudhirtailang)

Tailang had been battling brain tumour for the last two years. He had recently released his book of cartoons titled ‘No, Prime Minister’.

 12-Sep-2022 08:13 pmComment

11.  Sudhir Tailang, One of India

Sudhir Tailang, One of India’s Finest Cartoonist Passes Away at 55


Born in Bikaner, Rajasthan, Sudhir breathed his last in Medanta hospital, Gurgaon.

Sudhir Tailang is one of India’s finest political cartoonists, passed away on 6th February 2016. Known for his unique drawing style and unsparing satire, Sudhir Tailang kick-started his career with the Illustrated Weekly of India in 1982.

 12-Sep-2022 08:12 pmComment

10.  He was a great man

He was a great man Vibha Tailang ma'am. Although we had never met I admired his work.

Vibha Tailang what I loved about him is the fact that he was/is not only honest but also fearless and had great courage of conviction to stand up and speak out no matter how powerful the individual or institution may be. That's a rare quality in people nowadays and very few embody and practice these values today in a world full of apathetic people.


- Jeroninio Almeida

 12-Sep-2022 08:09 pmComment

9.  Sudhir Tailang could turn ink into blood

New Delhi: when Sudhir Tailang wielded his brush like a weapon the ink could turn to blood. His was not an easy job, he would say. On his blog he repeated one of his favourite lines, that though he had to work very hard he could always count on the politicians to work for him full-time.

PMs and Presidents would ask him for copies of his drawings. During Kandahar episode he drew Jaswant Singh in Taliban attire and, Sudhir said, the then minister, far from offended, sought the signed original.

But my favourite was the one that showed Lalu Prasad Yadav, his hair like a pile of hay, looking around and saying “Fodder? What fodder?”

He began with Indira Gandhi early in his career and thereafter spared no one. No subject was taboo and even an incomplete list of his assassinations would require a lengthy chargesheet.

Sudhir would have wanted us to find some humour even in his death. I have tried, unsuccessfully, for the better part of the day. Many artists are cut down in their prime but Sudhir would have known, as many of his breed do, that he would live in his work.

He believed there were few real cartoonists left. Actually, by his death that special species is extinct. We revelled in his fame for he belonged to us. God is laughing up there now that he has him for company.

He will find out sooner than later that Sudhir Tailang is used to having the last laugh. Rest in peace, my friend...

 12-Sep-2022 08:06 pmComment

8.  No more 3

 12-Sep-2022 08:04 pmComment

7.  No more 2

 12-Sep-2022 08:04 pmComment

6.  Deccan Chronicle cartoonist Sudhir Tailang is no more

New Delhi: Sudhir Tailang was deeply suspicious of all authority. And he was completely unafraid. This is what made him India’s finest contemporary political cartoonist.

A career of over three decades was cruelly cut short by brain cancer on February 6. Sudhir would have been 56 on February 26.

He would have been brave to the end but he would not have failed to ask God why. It was an old trait, this challenging of authority, one that we his colleagues had experienced time and again.

He had an air of old Bikaner, where he was born and which remained in his heart.

The years of drawing for various leading newspapers of the country had honed his paintbrush to a rapier points always seeking the tenderest spot, pricking, thrusting, never a wild slash.

There was nuance but never so subtle that it would escape his audience.
He could be gentle with his victim, and congratulatory very rarely.

Toons inspired Sudhir to wield the brush
Eminent cartoonist Sudhir Tailang succumbed to brain cancer on Saturday after battling it for almost two years. Tailang, who was associated with The Asian Age and Deccan Chronicle, would have turned 56 on February 26.

Survived by his wife and daughter, Tailang had been under treatment for brain cancer since 2014 and breathed last at his East Delhi residence in Mayur Vihar.

The cartoonist, who had a long association with a number of newspapers, was admitted to Medanta Medicity Hospital in Gurgaon in December but was brought home around a  month ago.

Read: Strokes of genius

Tailang was awarded a Padma Shri in 2004. As a cartoonist, many politicians including Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Atal Behari Vajpayee, P.V. Narasimha Rao, Manmohan Singh and Narendra Modi bore the brunt of his brush.

Mr Tailang, who was born in Rajasthan’s Bikaner on February 26, 1960, had his first cartoon published in a newspaper at the age of 10 in 1970.

It was in 1982, when he got his first major break in Illustrated Weekly of India, Mumbai.

As a child, Tailang was fascinated by comics such as Tintin, Phantom and Blondie, which is known to have encouraged him to go for drawing cartoons.
For several years he was with HT and Indian Express also.

He was with the The Asian Age and Deccan Chronicle as Associate Editor and Political Cartoonist when he died.

 12-Sep-2022 08:03 pmComment

5.  Note from the cartoonist Sudhir Tailang

In more than 25 years of my cartooning , not a single politician has changed or reformed because of my cartoons! Yet, I trust the power of the cartoon. I have no doubt that a cartoon does exactly what it is meant to— play the role of the common man’s spokesperson. Give voice to the voiceless mute masses.

Bikaner is a politically orphaned city with a peaceful populace with no aggressive protest methods. There were 3 daily trains running between Delhi and Bikaner for more than 50 years. For the past 5 years the gauge conversion has been going on at a snail’s pace and with no hope of it being completed in the near future.

And hence, no chances of the trains to be back on tracks!

We formed Friends Of Bikaner to raise our voice in a very peaceful way.

We have raised it in the best medium I know—cartooning!

Shri Kunal Lalani, who has the same passion and love for our home Bikaner, immediately got enthused! And in just two days he organized everything– and the Mamata Banerjee cartoon hoarding is up at five locations in Delhi.

Are you watching Mamata Didi? I am sure once in a while Ministers listen to peaceful voices too. Let’s see!

This unique and novel way of protest has been used for the first time. A cartoon to register protest and make the Minister sit up and take notice.

Cartooning IS the art of protest. It’s the most authentic voice of dissent . But a hoarding to send a message across – is done for the first time.

Through this cartoon we demand fast completion of gauge conversion and immediate resumption of the daily direct trains between Delhi and Bikaner.

Sudhir Tailang
Note from the Cartoonist.doc Note from the Cartoonist.doc

I add my voice with you all, as Sudhirji's wife and as a I am a bahu of Bikaner ....good wishes to you and Bikaner....Vibha Tailang...MAMTAJI ARE YOU LISTENING???!!!...23/2/10




YESTERDAY ON THE 26th FEB 2010...good to see him on INDIA TV and AASTHA CHANNEL with BABA RAMDEV...discussing and drawing cartoons LIVE on the UNION BUDGET...HE IS A GOOD SPEAKER.

Good News for Bikanerwasi staying here in Delhi...on 9/3/10...its in newspapers that Mamtadi has announced few new trains in Loksabha which were added after Railway Budget...and it has Delhi-Sarai Rohilla-Bikaner Express via Sadulpur...twice in a week....Good kuch nahin se kuch bhala...thanks Mamtaji.

 12-Sep-2022 07:55 pmComment

4.  Remembering 2

 12-Sep-2022 07:54 pmComment

3.  Remembering Sudhir Tailang, cartoonist with passion for life

Sudhir Tailang at the launch of book , India - The Future is Now, in Delhi on April 30, 2013.(Waseem Gashroo/ HT file photo)

Hindustan Times | ByNarayanan Madhavan

We shared many things: A Mumbai local train, jokes and mirchi-wali roti. But I am sad that I could not meet Sudhir Tailang in his last year of life, despite his being only a mile away from where I lived.

We met in the training room of the Times of India, Mumbai, then Bombay. He had joined six months earlier as a trainee journalist in Hindi, while I was an English language trainee. As it turned out, his cartooning skills were so good that the establishment suggested he become a Trainee Cartoonist. I don’t recall there ever being another trainee cartoonist anywhere.

He took to the task with delight--and the task of being a “Hindi” cartoonist (Do cartoons have language?) in the same company and floor as the venerable R K Laxman was a daunting one. But Sudhir took up the challenge with a dedication that never left him.

We talked news and cartoons a lot. Myself from Delhi and he from Bikaner were both lost souls in the mangled urban wilderness of Bombay, struggling to put ourselves into its machine-like routines. We both would squeeze into the Harbour Line local train from the King’s Circle station. We simply could not get into the Central Line. Inside the crowd, we would discuss everything under the sun, but his passion for cartooning was often a theme.

Later, we both shifted to the Delhi office of the same company.

Being a cartoonist for Navbharat Times, he had the luxury of a corner cabin, where we would meet for quiet lunches from our tiffin boxes. It was during those days that he announced he wanted to create a character resembling Laxman’s Common Man. “Hum usko journalist banate hain, jholewala,” he said. So a jhola journalist was born in his cartoons as an observer of the world around him. As it turned out, he fashioned it after Sushil, one of his goatee-bearded journalist friends who used to drop by. Somewhere along his career, the jhola journalist character disappeared, perhaps in keeping with the waning of the stereotype.

One day he showed some mirchi-ki-roti, a Bikaner special item that was somewhat crunchy. You could make it a meal or a tea-time snack, he said, but best had with tea. Then he would take me to the Inter State Bus Terminus because that’s where you could get a thali that reminded him of home. Then he got married, and I attended his wedding in a far corner of Delhi. The girl was a student-admirer he fell in love with. His passion showed everywhere.

(There was one particular incident where he roped in a friend to pose as Mani Shankar Aiyer, who was then a diplomat close to then prime minister Rajiv Gandhi, and rang up to meet me. I thought there was something interesting for a journalist and turned up to meet Mr Aiyer at his home early in the morning only to be told by an annoyed Aiyer that somebody had been playing a prank by sending people to meet him. I caught Sudhir out because someone had told me the internal office extension sounded two rings, and I now knew it was not an external call. I observed Sudhir’s movements and the grin on his face and knew it was him).

Suddenly, he left Navbharat Times to become an English language cartoonist, and we lost direct touch but his work was everywhere. His works were particularly noticed in the Hindustan Times and then the Asian Age. He prepared to switch to English for a wider audience, and surprised us with his increasingly smooth English captions that were clearly an acquired skill.

The boy who would look up with envy to Laxman was suddenly in the same league--certainly for someone so young.

We would meet now and then socially but time flew as we moved in different professional orbits.

Social media brought us together again, and we were chatting on Twitter decades later, like old times. I had hoped that I would release a book of my political verses with his sketches. Alas, that was not to be.

One day, I heard he had a cancerous growth. As I got caught up in some stuff, I tried to raise some help for him by hollering out on Twitter, but clearly, it was time to go.

It is my deep regret I could not see him in his last days.

I hope his soul somewhere up there forgives me, the way I forgave his prank. Though I never told him I had actually been fooled by him.

Tailang’s cremation will be held at 2 pm at the Lodhi crematorium, Delhi, on Sunday, February 7.

(Narayanan Madhavan is a senior journalist with Hindustan Times.)

 12-Sep-2022 07:53 pmComment

2.  Memoriam 2

 12-Sep-2022 07:48 pmComment

1.  In Memoriam: Sudhir Tailang's cartoons were incisive and spared no one

Sudhir Tailang has been always one step ahead of me. When I joined The Times of India he had already left for The Hindustan Times... all I could meet was the easel Sudhir bhai used to work on. Those were the days of cartoons produced with India Ink, brush, nibs or Rotrings. The pen and ink days; Photoshop had not arrived.

Over the years, I had several opportunities to meet the man in the black shirt. I think wearing a black shirt to all his social outings was part of the black and white attitude he had towards politicians and politics. No grey areas.

Politicians who followed his cartoons closely were both his harshest critics and his greatest fans. In fact, the complainants were those who were not featured in his cartoons. A particular neta of national level once called him just to ask why he is not featured in his cartoons... was he not popular enough?

Sudhir bhai's creative genius was not only in drawing cartoons. I was surprised to see his artwork painted on the wall of a restaurant in Noida, which belonged to our common friend Gunjan Bansal. Strictly for close friends only, I guess.

In 2012, at the launch of one of his books in Delhi, two leaders from the rival parties of UPA and NDA shared the stage with him. In fact, they actually flanked him. Both the leaders had no problems with each other since they had one thing in common: both were victims of Tailang's cartoons. His cartooons were incisive and spared no one.


My wow moment with Sudhir Tailang was in 2013 when The Times Of India launched the book of cartoons called Jest in Time. To make the launch unique, we wanted some of the top Indian cartoonists to come together and create a cartoon on stage. Ninan, Keshav, Jayanto, Manjul, Prasad, Tailang and I were part of this event but the extempore on stage cartoon on India could not have been possible without Sudhir Tailang's participation. Drawn on a large board, the original still lies with The Times of India.

 12-Sep-2022 07:47 pmComment

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